Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Kann ich meinen Hund mitbringen?
Hunde und andere Haustiere dürfen unser Hotel nicht besuchen.
Hunde und andere Haustiere dürfen unser Hotel nicht besuchen.
Data protection
Essential cookies are responsible for the safety of our website and protect against spam and other abuse.
Protects against cross-site request forgery attacks.
Saves the current PHP session.
With the help of analysis tools, we improve our offer.
These providers enable our booking functions.
Display of the hotel category
Hotel rating
Evaluation of the hotel and booking
Comfort functions provide you with fonts for better display and map elements for planning your journey.
With integrated map elements we make it easier for you to get an overview and plan your vacation.
Protecting your data is important to us. Here we inform you about which data we use and ask for your consent.
Imprint Privacy Policy